As I have shared previously Madison, my second Australian Labradoodle was off doing her thing as a puppy mama. She had 8 puppies, 2 of which are still looking for their forever homes, and after two long months she came home today. She's been next to my mother like white on rice since she came home, so there were few chances to cuddle, et cetera. But, with the assistance of a treat, the pups spared a few moments of their time to get photographed. Not in the photography-esque way, in the aww-my-dogs-are-cute-lookit-them way. All are in Black and white because the wall is an ugly color and they just look cuter that way.
Just lying on the floor (next to mom, of course!)
RAWR!!!Who can resist that face?
In other news: I'm funny! I really am funny!
Huzzah, I'm a generally anti-funny person (spoken, not written) so I was very proud of a couple recently. Whenever I do actually do something funny I always feel the need to retell it, so I figured that this would be a suitable place:
"The heat is on only from 6pm when my mom gets home to 9pm when my mom goes to bed and that's it." - Discussing my dad's cheap habits.
Mom: "You're a good egg, Sarah"
Me: "I know, I'm not one of those yucky salmanella ones."
While looking at On Demand list, we saw 'Run, Fat Boy, Run' as a title:
Friend: "Brother, that's the story of your life!"
Friend's Brother: "No, it's a funny movie, he finishes a marathon at the end!"
Me: "Please, you don't even need legs to finish a marathon."
I'm so proud of myself. I don't know why. After reading them, they're not even funny. You don't get the full effect after reading them on a computer screen. Ehh, whatever, they were great at the time!
And a belated Happy Thanksgiving!